Horse Care | Newton Abbot Racecourse

At Newton Abbot Racecourse, nothing matters more to us than looking after the horses and jockeys.

We agree with the recognised animal welfare organisations that horses have the right to a decent and fulfilling life. Our role as the racecourse is to minimise any risk to horse and jockey

We take every conceivable step to minimise the chances of horses incurring injury whilst here with us. However, regrettably there are occasions when something goes wrong and the horse and jockey part company.

Like all racecourses in Great Britain, Newton Abbot Racecourse is licensed and regulated by the British Horseracing Authority (BHA). The BHA sets and polices the standards for equine facilities and veterinary care at all racecourses in Britain.

The BHA also provides their own veterinary officers at each meeting to ensure that these strict standards for racecourses – covering the number of veterinary surgeons on duty, the stabling and veterinary facilities – are being met.

At Newton Abbot Racecourse, we employ top-class veterinary surgeons and deploy them around the track, parade ring and stable yard to ensure that should any horse need veterinary assistance, a vet will be on the scene literally within seconds of an accident.

The first priority is to make a diagnosis of any injury that has been sustained. To provide a calm environment to treat the horse, members of the ground staff team will erect green screens around any horse that requires attention. The same applies to injured riders, when screens are used to ensure that their treatment can be done in privacy. As soon as the assessment of the injury has been made, a horse ambulance will be called to the scene and will transport the horse back to the stable yard or to the local equine hospital, where further treatment can be undertaken.

We are dedicated to minimising the risks and to dealing quickly with any incident that may occur.

To learn more about the Horseracing Association’s work to protect the horse, please visit

Learn More About Horse Welfare

The quality of life of a racehorse

How racehorses are suited to racing

The benefits of racing for the horse and wider society

How much importance does racing place on horse welfare

What does the sport do to make racing as safe as possible?

What happens when a horse falls?

The role of the whip

What happens to horses when they finish racing

The Horse Comes First – Raising Awareness of Equine Welfare

‘The Horse Comes First’ is a new campaign which looks to shout about the excellent work done every day to look after the welfare of racehorses in Britain.

Supported by the British Horseracing Association, the Racecourse Association, Racehorse Owners Association and more, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the high level of care that is given to racehorses during and after their racing career.

At Newton Abbot Racecourse, we’re proud supporters of the scheme.

To find out more, visit

Fixture Dates

View all racing fixture dates at Newton Abbot Racecourse

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